Friday, April 4, 2014

Halloween 2013

I had planned a great Halloween Party, but it turned into a really small Halloween Party where no followed my control freak party guidelines! I wanted to do a 1960's theme party with vintage party food and vintage themed costumes. Still, no one but Laura and me dressed that way, hardly anyone came anyway and I managed to have a complete breakdown the day of the party. I manged to burn, overcook and be way behind schedule all day. I even cut the tip of my finger off cutting up carrots! I spilled maraschino cherry juice on our new carpet (cream colored carpet)! I was a disaster, and Halloween is my game! It's my favorite! It ended up just being ... meh.

Then when actual Halloween came around Laura and I dressed up and gave candy away to the kids in the building, I did my best but it wasn't Chicago Halloween :(

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